After Instagram, X and Facebook, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has now made his official entry on Linkedin. The Badlapur actor took to his X handle to share the news with his fans and said, ”Chalo Linkedin par bhi debut ho gaya!” On Linkedin, Varun introduced himself as ‘actor, investor and assistant director’. In his bio, he mentioned, ”I’m Varun Dhawan, a passionate actor with over a decade of experience in delivering cinematic excellence. From headlining 300-crore mega hits to exploring niche, content-driven films, my journey has been about balancing creativity with audience impact. Whether it’s leading a sports team in Student of the Year or exploring supernatural worlds in Bhediya, I believe in pushing boundaries and creating value for every stakeholder in the entertainment ecosystem,” After Instagram, X and Facebook, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has now made his official entry on Linkedin. The Badlapur actor took to his X handle to share the news with his fans and said, ”Chalo Linkedin par bhi debut ho gaya!” On Linkedin, Varun introduced himself as ‘actor, investor and assistant director’. In his bio, he mentioned, ”I’m Varun Dhawan, a passionate actor with over a decade of experience in delivering cinematic excellence. From headlining 300-crore mega hits to exploring niche, content-driven films, my journey has been about balancing creativity with audience impact. Whether it’s leading a sports team in Student of the Year or exploring supernatural worlds in Bhediya, I believe in pushing boundaries and creating value for every stakeholder in the entertainment ecosystem,” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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