Varun Dhawan, who is all set for another actioner after Baby John, was spotted with Army officers on Wednesday, prepping for his upcoming film Border 2. Marking the 77th Indian Army Day on January 15, 2025, Varun took to his Instagram handle to salute the men in uniform. He shared two pictures from the sets of Border 2 where he can be seen posing with jawans while prepping for the film. ”Honoring the real heroes of India this #ArmyDay. Proud to be with them,” he wrote in the caption of his post. Border 2 also features Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahaan Shetty in key roles. Varun Dhawan, who is all set for another actioner after Baby John, was spotted with Army officers on Wednesday, prepping for his upcoming film Border 2. Marking the 77th Indian Army Day on January 15, 2025, Varun took to his Instagram handle to salute the men in uniform. He shared two pictures from the sets of Border 2 where he can be seen posing with jawans while prepping for the film. ”Honoring the real heroes of India this #ArmyDay. Proud to be with them,” he wrote in the caption of his post. Border 2 also features Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahaan Shetty in key roles. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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