Sunny Deol on Friday surprised his fans after he introduced Varun Dhawan as ‘Fauji’ to the Battalion of the much-awaited war film, Border 2. Taking to his Instagram handle, Sunny dropped an introduction video of Varun which has Sonu Nigam’s ‘Sandese Aate Hai’ song in the background. Sharing the introduction video, he wrote, ”Welcoming Fauji @varundvn to the Battalion of #Border2.” Sunny Deol on Friday surprised his fans after he introduced Varun Dhawan as ‘Fauji’ to the Battalion of the much-awaited war film, Border 2. Taking to his Instagram handle, Sunny dropped an introduction video of Varun which has Sonu Nigam’s ‘Sandese Aate Hai’ song in the background. Sharing the introduction video, he wrote, ”Welcoming Fauji @varundvn to the Battalion of #Border2.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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