Varun Dhawan’s latest offering Baby John, which was released on Christmas Day, failed to gain momentum even on Friday. The film nett collections in India dropped again on its third day of theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, the film minted just Rs 3.65 crore on Day 3, which is even lesser than its Thursday collections. On Thursday, Baby John earned Rs 4.75 crore. After Day 3, the total collections currently stand at Rs 19.65 crore. Varun Dhawan’s latest offering Baby John, which was released on Christmas Day, failed to gain momentum even on Friday. The film nett collections in India dropped again on its third day of theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, the film minted just Rs 3.65 crore on Day 3, which is even lesser than its Thursday collections. On Thursday, Baby John earned Rs 4.75 crore. After Day 3, the total collections currently stand at Rs 19.65 crore. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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