Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal who tied the knot in 2021, have finally welcomed a baby girl to their family. Natasha gave birth to a daughter on June 3 and fans, and celebrities wished the couple blessings and happiness. Recently, a video of him in which he suddenly snatches fans for this funny reason is now going viral on social media. In the video going viral, Varun Dhawan is seen wearing a red T-shirt with matching shorts and a cap on his head. Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal who tied the knot in 2021, have finally welcomed a baby girl to their family. Natasha gave birth to a daughter on June 3 and fans, and celebrities wished the couple blessings and happiness. Recently, a video of him in which he suddenly snatches fans for this funny reason is now going viral on social media. In the video going viral, Varun Dhawan is seen wearing a red T-shirt with matching shorts and a cap on his head. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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