New Delhi: Winny Immigration IPO subscription opened on Thursday, June 20, 2024. The IPO price band was set at Rs 140 per share on Wednesday. The Rs 9.13 crore SME IPO is set to open on June 20, 2024, entirely comprising a fresh issue of 6.52 lakh shares. The company offers visa consultancy apart from study, travel, work and migration-related assistance. Notably, investors would be looking for some insight into the prospects of the IPO and that is gathering steam in the grey market. So, check Winny Immigration IPO GMP today, subscription status and more.
Winny Immigration IPO GMP and subscription status
Winny Immigration IPO GMP today stood at Rs 50 per share indicating a listing price of Rs 190 per share. Grey market premium is the extra price that an investor is willing to pay to acquire a company’s share. Winny Immigration IPO was oversubscribed by 2X soon after the offer opened on Thursday.
Winny Immigration IPO allotment date and other key dates
Winny Immigration IPO opened on Thursday, June 20. It ends on Monday, June 24, 2024.
Winny Immigration IPO allotment is likely to be finalised on June 25, 2024.
The shares of Winny Immigration IPO are likely to be credited into demat accounts on June 26, 2024.
Winny Immigration IPO listing date is likely to be June 27, 2024. Shares are likely to list on the NSE SME index.
Winny Immigration IPO lot size
The minimum lot size for Winny Immigration IPO is 100 shares for retail investors with a minimum investment of Rs 1,40,000. Winny Immigration aims to use the IPO proceeds to open new offices across India, for software development and debt repayment. IPO proceeds will also contribute to branding and advertising spending as well as expenditure for general corporate purposes.
Winny Immigration IPO book running lead manager is Interactive Financial Services. Bigshare Services is acting as registrar on the IPO. Winny Immigration is promoted by Jignesh Patel whose stake in the company is expected to come down to 58.51 per cent from 83.63 per cent after the IPO. Winny Immigration reported Fy24 net profit of Rs 39.27 lakh compared to RS 1.44 crore in the year-ago period. The comoany’s FY24 revenue stood at Rs 11.02 crore, compared to Rs 11.97 crore in the year-ago period.
Winny Immigration IPO opens today: The Rs 9.13 crore IPO of the visa consultancy company is likely to list on the NSE SME index. Check Winny IPO GMP today, subscription status, and allotment date too. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today