New Delhi: Former India cricketer Yuvraj Singh was awestruck when he saw the viral video of a four-year-old girl from Kolkata, playing cricketing shots like a professional. Rishika, a cricket prodigy recently broke the internet with her exceptional stroke play which forced Yuvraj to take note of the toddler’s talent. He has offered her a scholarship at the Merlin Rise Yuvraj Singh’s Centre of Excellence in Kolkata for cricket training and will also finance her education.
Rishika was playing cricket with her father, the tip of which went viral in no time as the social media users were left amazed by the talent possessed by the little girl. Several hailed her for her god-gifted talent as she was seen batting with a technique similar to professional players. The prodigy quickly grabbed the attention of Yuvraj as well, as the video started to spread like wildfire.
Yuvraj, who runs several cricket academies across India, nurturing budding talents, came forward to offer Rishika a scholarship at the Merlin Rise Centre in Kolkata. Yuvraj was the official brand ambassador of the ICC T20 World Cup 2024 and had announced the scholarship from the USA, and the young girl was awarded the same in a formal ceremony.
Watch the video here – (Credit – India Today)
Meet the 4-year-old cricketing prodigy girl Rishika!
Former India cricketer @YUVSTRONG12 takes note of Rishika’s talent with the cricket bat after the toddler’s batting skills went viral on social media. #ITVideo
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) July 11, 2024
Her shots moved me – Yuvraj
In a chat with India Today, Yuvraj said that Rishika is extremely talented and that some of her shots left him awestruck.
“The Yuvraj Singh Center of Excellence at Merlin Rise, Kolkata is committed to nurturing young cricketing talent. Cricket talent has always been ahead in Bengal and we are giving this special scholarship to talent like Rishika Sarkar. I have seen videos of her playing cricket and I believe she is very talented at such a young age. Some of her shots moved me. We will assist her in her training at our High-Performance Training Center at YSCE at Merlin Rise, Kolkata, and our coaches will help her hone her talent further,” Yuvraj said.
Even YSCE (Yuvraj Singh Centre of Excellence) head coach Satyendra Singh stated that Rishika has a bright future ahead. “It was a raw and inborn talent. We hope we can help her and her future is bright,” Satyendra said.
After a video of a 4-year-old girl from Kolkata with exceptional stroke play went viral on the social media, Yuvraj Singh has come forward with a scholarship offer for the cricketing prodigy. Cricket Sports News: Latest Cricket News, Cricket Live Score, Sports Breaking News from Sports Today