Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar was found dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday morning. According to reports, the actor, who acted in films like ‘Chappa Kurishu’ and ‘North 24 Kaatham’, had checked in at the hotel two days before his death. The hotel staff opened the door after a foul smell reportedly came from the room. The actor was found lying on the floor of the hotel room, leading to an immediate investigation into his sudden death. Initial reports suggest that there is no sign of any conspiracy in Shankar’s death. Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar was found dead in a hotel room in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday morning. According to reports, the actor, who acted in films like ‘Chappa Kurishu’ and ‘North 24 Kaatham’, had checked in at the hotel two days before his death. The hotel staff opened the door after a foul smell reportedly came from the room. The actor was found lying on the floor of the hotel room, leading to an immediate investigation into his sudden death. Initial reports suggest that there is no sign of any conspiracy in Shankar’s death. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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