Jackky Bhagnani is a well-known filmmaker and son of film producer Vasu Bhagnani. Both together run a production house named Pooja Entertainment. These days Pooja Entertainment is in the headlines for some reason. Recently some crew members have accused the production house of not paying them. The crew members have alleged that they were promised that their money would be given to them within 45 to 60 days after the completion of the project. But this money has not been given to them yet. The crew members warned people not to work with this production house in the future and took to Instagram to express her anger. Jackky Bhagnani is a well-known filmmaker and son of film producer Vasu Bhagnani. Both together run a production house named Pooja Entertainment. These days Pooja Entertainment is in the headlines for some reason. Recently some crew members have accused the production house of not paying them. The crew members have alleged that they were promised that their money would be given to them within 45 to 60 days after the completion of the project. But this money has not been given to them yet. The crew members warned people not to work with this production house in the future and took to Instagram to express her anger. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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