Mr and Mrs Mahi actor Janhvi Kapoor who attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s second pre-wedding cruise party has shared her photo dump on Instagram. In the several photos shared by Janhvi, there are two of them that are garnering attention. In these photos, the Mr and Mrs Mahi actor can be seen walking done a street with her rumored boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. In the photos, Janhvi can be seen wearing a yellow coloured floral dress where as Shikhar has kept it casual in white pants and maroon jacket. Mr and Mrs Mahi actor Janhvi Kapoor who attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s second pre-wedding cruise party has shared her photo dump on Instagram. In the several photos shared by Janhvi, there are two of them that are garnering attention. In these photos, the Mr and Mrs Mahi actor can be seen walking done a street with her rumored boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. In the photos, Janhvi can be seen wearing a yellow coloured floral dress where as Shikhar has kept it casual in white pants and maroon jacket. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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