Kolkata: Both Sensex and Nifty began the day in the red on January 3, 2025. While Sensex climbed down 72.63 points (or 0.091%) and reached 79,871.08 a few minutes after trading began at 9:15 am, Nifty inched down by 22 points to reach 24,166.65 points.
According to NSE data, among the top gainers in early trade were AVONMORE, WCIL, DMART, WOCKPHARMA, GLOBAL, SPENCERS, ASMS.
On Thursday, January 2, 2025, Sensex closed the day’s trade at 79,943.71, up a whopping 1,436.30 points (or 1.83%). On the other hand, Nifty rose even higher gaining 1.88% or 445.75 points to close the day at 24,188.65 points.
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After rising spectacularly on January 2, both Sensex and Nifty began the day on January 3 in the red. Around 9:20 am, Sensex climbed down 72.63 points reached 79,871.08, while Nifty inched down by 22 points to reach 24,166.65 points. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today