South actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar surprised everyone when she announced her engagement to Nicholai Sachdev in March. The Hanu-Man actor got engaged to Mumbai gallerist Nikolai Sachdev and later had a South Indian and Christian wedding in July 2024. The couple also had to deal with a lot of negative comments on their union as this was Nicholai’s second wedding. Since then there has been an anticipation about the actress’ husband. Hence, we bring to you every detail about Nicholai Sachdev in this article. South actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar surprised everyone when she announced her engagement to Nicholai Sachdev in March. The Hanu-Man actor got engaged to Mumbai gallerist Nikolai Sachdev and later had a South Indian and Christian wedding in July 2024. The couple also had to deal with a lot of negative comments on their union as this was Nicholai’s second wedding. Since then there has been an anticipation about the actress’ husband. Hence, we bring to you every detail about Nicholai Sachdev in this article. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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