Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor on Tuesday night dropped an adorable video on their Instagram handle wherein they are seen vibing to the ‘Loveyapa’ song. However, the main attraction of the Insta Reel was when their father and filmmaker Boney Kapoor made a special appearance from behind. In the video, the sibling actors were seen recreating the hook steps of the song while Boney photobombed and lip-synced the ‘alaap’ portion of the song. Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor on Tuesday night dropped an adorable video on their Instagram handle wherein they are seen vibing to the ‘Loveyapa’ song. However, the main attraction of the Insta Reel was when their father and filmmaker Boney Kapoor made a special appearance from behind. In the video, the sibling actors were seen recreating the hook steps of the song while Boney photobombed and lip-synced the ‘alaap’ portion of the song. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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