Bollywood actor Kiara Advani stayed away from films in the year 2024. The actress was last seen in Kartik Aaryan starrer Satya Prem Ki Katha in 2023. However, she is now set to return to the big screens with RRR actor Ram Charan’s Game Changer. The Pan India film will be released in theatres in just a few hours. Kiara may have been away from the big screen for a while but she has a string of films in her kitty. Let’s have a look at Kiara Advani’s upcoming films here. Bollywood actor Kiara Advani stayed away from films in the year 2024. The actress was last seen in Kartik Aaryan starrer Satya Prem Ki Katha in 2023. However, she is now set to return to the big screens with RRR actor Ram Charan’s Game Changer. The Pan India film will be released in theatres in just a few hours. Kiara may have been away from the big screen for a while but she has a string of films in her kitty. Let’s have a look at Kiara Advani’s upcoming films here. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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