Violence broke out at veteran actor Mohan Babu Jalapally’s residence in Hyderabad on Tuesday when his younger son Manoj, tried to enter the property. Manoj, also an actor, was reportedly detained by private guards, who pushed him out. Adding to the trouble, Mohan Babu was caught on camera trying to hit a video journalist with a microphone. A journalist who covered the incident was reportedly injured during the scuffle. Violence broke out at veteran actor Mohan Babu Jalapally’s residence in Hyderabad on Tuesday when his younger son Manoj, tried to enter the property. Manoj, also an actor, was reportedly detained by private guards, who pushed him out. Adding to the trouble, Mohan Babu was caught on camera trying to hit a video journalist with a microphone. A journalist who covered the incident was reportedly injured during the scuffle. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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