Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan’s latest picture with his wife Jaya Bachchan is setting a perfect example for couple goals. In the recent picture, Big B is seen holding an umbrella for his wife in rainfall. On Tuesday night, the Kalki 2898 AD actor took to his X (previously called Twitter) account and dropped the picture featuring himself and Jaya along with the caption that reads, ”and the rain it raineth every day .. even on set at work.” Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan’s latest picture with his wife Jaya Bachchan is setting a perfect example for couple goals. In the recent picture, Big B is seen holding an umbrella for his wife in rainfall. On Tuesday night, the Kalki 2898 AD actor took to his X (previously called Twitter) account and dropped the picture featuring himself and Jaya along with the caption that reads, ”and the rain it raineth every day .. even on set at work.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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