In the latest development in the Pushpa 2 stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has now been granted an exemption from attending Chikkadpally police station every Sunday. Apart from this, Allu Arjun can now travel to abroad as well, however, he will have to inform the police before going to other nations. For those late to the story, Allu Arjun is facing a legal case in connection with the death of a 39-year-old woman and severe injust to a minor boy during the midnight premiere of his latest release in Hyderabad. In the latest development in the Pushpa 2 stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has now been granted an exemption from attending Chikkadpally police station every Sunday. Apart from this, Allu Arjun can now travel to abroad as well, however, he will have to inform the police before going to other nations. For those late to the story, Allu Arjun is facing a legal case in connection with the death of a 39-year-old woman and severe injust to a minor boy during the midnight premiere of his latest release in Hyderabad. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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