Former Bollywood actress, current author and film producer Twinkle Khanna is known for her bold statements. She writes and speaks fearlessly on several issues. Recently, she supported Kareena Kapoor Khan in the matter related to Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing case. The actor was attacked with a knife on January 16, after which he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital. There were reports that Saif was taken to the hospital by his friends and sons. Netizens raised questions as to where his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor was at the moment. Just before the incident, she had also shared a story in which she was seen partying with her girl gang. In such a situation, people were speculating that perhaps she was not present at home during the attack or was drunk. Former Bollywood actress, current author and film producer Twinkle Khanna is known for her bold statements. She writes and speaks fearlessly on several issues. Recently, she supported Kareena Kapoor Khan in the matter related to Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing case. The actor was attacked with a knife on January 16, after which he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital. There were reports that Saif was taken to the hospital by his friends and sons. Netizens raised questions as to where his wife and actor Kareena Kapoor was at the moment. Just before the incident, she had also shared a story in which she was seen partying with her girl gang. In such a situation, people were speculating that perhaps she was not present at home during the attack or was drunk. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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