Ace filmmaker Karan Johar was recently found strolling on the streets of London. UK-based Tiktoker Zane Thadani met the filmmaker and posted a video of his interaction, which he later shared on his social media handle. In the video, he can be heard asking his fans what to call Johar, considering options like ‘KJo, Karan, Karan Johar, Mr Khan, Mr Johar’. However, he ends up addressing him as ‘uncle’ and Karan’s reaction on this is going viral on social media. He was seen shocked and slightly irritated on being called ‘uncle’. Ace filmmaker Karan Johar was recently found strolling on the streets of London. UK-based Tiktoker Zane Thadani met the filmmaker and posted a video of his interaction, which he later shared on his social media handle. In the video, he can be heard asking his fans what to call Johar, considering options like ‘KJo, Karan, Karan Johar, Mr Khan, Mr Johar’. However, he ends up addressing him as ‘uncle’ and Karan’s reaction on this is going viral on social media. He was seen shocked and slightly irritated on being called ‘uncle’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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