Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayana has been in the news ever since its inception. The makers made an official announcement of the two films last year and ever since fans have been excited to watch Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita and Yash as Ravana. Now new updates regarding the film have coming out. Reports suggest that Kannada actor Yash was introduced to the film by Namit Malhotra, who is co-producing the two-part film. The film is being directed by Dangal famed filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari. Ranbir Kapoor’s Ramayana has been in the news ever since its inception. The makers made an official announcement of the two films last year and ever since fans have been excited to watch Ranbir Kapoor as Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi as Sita and Yash as Ravana. Now new updates regarding the film have coming out. Reports suggest that Kannada actor Yash was introduced to the film by Namit Malhotra, who is co-producing the two-part film. The film is being directed by Dangal famed filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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