New Delhi: In a podcast, which has now gone viral on social media platforms, Kotak Mutual Fund, MD, Nilesh Shah said that people in India should adopt 84-hour work week culture, which will help them upgrade their lives to middle and upper-income class level. Shah’s proposal essentially translates to 12 hours of work in a day for all seven days of a week. His comments have come few days after Infosys c0-former, Narayana Murthy had sparked huge outrage when he had advocated citizens to adopt 70 hours work week culture.
To quote what Kotak Mutual Fund, MD, said, “Charlie Munger wrote in one of his books that people in Korea worked 84 hours a week for one generation. That means 12 hours a day, every day, every month, every year.”
Mr Shah added, “Recently in India, Narayana Murthy mentioned working 70 hours a week, which created a controversy. He said that Indians need to work like Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese. If we work hard, there is no doubt that India’s growth will continue, the pace will accelerate, and there will come a time when there will be no sub-Saharan Africa-level poverty in India. We will have transferred everyone to middle-income and upper-income levels.”
The viral video of Nilesh Shah was posted on ‘X’ formerly Twitter by CA Anand Ladha
We need to work 12 hours per day for 365 days – Nilesh Shah sir – CE0 Kotak AMC 👇
— Anant Ladha, CFA CA CFP LL.B. (@anantladha25) June 1, 2024
As soon as the post went viral, social media users dropped torrent of comments. Most of them said that if big corporate daddies want their employees to work tirelessly, then, they need to increase their salaries too. Many raised concerns on minimum wage rules in India.
Shah had taken the podcast interview with Anant Ladha, who is CA by profession but also remains active on social media platforms through his channels.
Kotak Mutual Fund, MD, Nilesh Shah said if people adopt 84-hour work week culture, it will help them upgrade their lives to middle and upper-income class. Biz News Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today