The suspenseful and captivating teaser for ‘Ulajh,’ starring Janhvi Kapoor, Gulshan Devaiah, and Roshan Mathew, has finally been released by Junglee Pictures. Under the direction of Sudhanshu Saria, winner of the National Award, ‘Ulajh’ immerses audiences in the competitive realm of global diplomacy. After much anticipation, the makers have finally shared the trailer of their film. The suspenseful and captivating teaser for ‘Ulajh,’ starring Janhvi Kapoor, Gulshan Devaiah, and Roshan Mathew, has finally been released by Junglee Pictures. Under the direction of Sudhanshu Saria, winner of the National Award, ‘Ulajh’ immerses audiences in the competitive realm of global diplomacy. After much anticipation, the makers have finally shared the trailer of their film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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