Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur is in the news these days, not due to her work but for an old statement about Virat Kohli. An old interview with Mrunal has been making headlines for the past few days, in which she expressed her love for Virat. The actress had told in this interview that at one time Virat Kohli used to be her crush. This old statement by the Sita Ramam actress was shared by a social media handle, after which the post started going viral in no time. After much fuss over the post now Mrunal has broken her silence by reacting to this post. Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur is in the news these days, not due to her work but for an old statement about Virat Kohli. An old interview with Mrunal has been making headlines for the past few days, in which she expressed her love for Virat. The actress had told in this interview that at one time Virat Kohli used to be her crush. This old statement by the Sita Ramam actress was shared by a social media handle, after which the post started going viral in no time. After much fuss over the post now Mrunal has broken her silence by reacting to this post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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