Actress Sanjana Sanghi shared an emotional post on her Instagram handle for the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput on Wednesday morning. She shared the post commemorating the fourth anniversary of her film with the late actor titled Dil Bechara. Along with the post, she penned down a heartfelt note reminiscing about her journey and the profound impact of the film on her career. Fans also loved the bond and chemistry between Manny (played by Sushant) and Kizzie (played by Sanjana). The film also marked Sanjana’s debut as the female lead in Bollywood. Actress Sanjana Sanghi shared an emotional post on her Instagram handle for the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput on Wednesday morning. She shared the post commemorating the fourth anniversary of her film with the late actor titled Dil Bechara. Along with the post, she penned down a heartfelt note reminiscing about her journey and the profound impact of the film on her career. Fans also loved the bond and chemistry between Manny (played by Sushant) and Kizzie (played by Sanjana). The film also marked Sanjana’s debut as the female lead in Bollywood. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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