Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Wednesday extended financial assistance of Rs 1.5 lakh to a tribal student from Rajanna Sirisilla district to pursue B.Tech at Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, reports said.
The student, Badavath Madhulatha, secured rank 824 in ST category in Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Mains and seat was allotted in Engineering Physics (4 years, B.Tech) in Bihar. The student was able to pay acceptance fees but struggled to pay hostel fees and other expenses due to her family’s poor financial condition.
Madhulatha comes from a modest family, with her parents being agricultural labourers and her father recently falling ill, she had to take on the responsibility of tending to goats and contributing financially at home.
The student’s plight came to government’s notice after a TV channel covered her story. Bukya Lingam Nayak, her faculty at Tribal Welfare Junior College told the channel that she comes from a economically backward family and she may have to drop out from pursuing higher education.
In a note released, the government asked Telangana state Scheduled Tribes Co-operative Finance Corporation Limited (TRICOR), DGM to release the required amount, Rs 1,51,831 to the account of District Tribal Development Officer in Rajanna Sirisilla for Madhulatha’s educational expenses.
Meanwhile, Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Wednesday said his government would ensure civic amenities, including road connectivity, drinking water and electricity supply, in all ‘thandas’ (small villages, remote places) in the state. His response came during the Question Hour in the Legislative Assembly on a query related to the upgradation of ‘thandas’ into Gram Panchayats.
Madhulatha comes from a modest family, with her parents being agricultural labourers and her father recently falling ill, she had to take on the responsibility of tending to goats and contributing financially at home. Telangana States News India: Top News India, States News, States News Headlines, Online State News India, State Politics news