Yash Raj Films, popularly known as YRF, on Thursday announced a third installment in the action thriller Mardaani franchise, headlined by Rani Mukerji, is in the works. The banner made the announcement on the 10th release anniversary of the first Mardaani film, which was directed by the late Pradeep Sarkar. In the next chapter, Rani will be reprising her role of the tough cop Shivani Shivaji Roy, which the makers stated in a new video is “coming soon”. Yash Raj Films, popularly known as YRF, on Thursday announced a third installment in the action thriller Mardaani franchise, headlined by Rani Mukerji, is in the works. The banner made the announcement on the 10th release anniversary of the first Mardaani film, which was directed by the late Pradeep Sarkar. In the next chapter, Rani will be reprising her role of the tough cop Shivani Shivaji Roy, which the makers stated in a new video is “coming soon”. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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