Bollywood actor Malaika Arora’s father Anil Mehta died in Mumbai on Wednesday morning. He jumped from the balcony of his house in Bandra. Meanwhile, Mumbai police is investigating every aspect closely. It is significant to note that Mehta’s body has been sent for post-mortem. The forensic team was also present at the spot. In this sad moment, stars of the entertainment world are reaching out to console Malaika and Amrita. Now the actor has shared an emotional post on the death of her father. Also, she has been seen requesting privacy for the family during this sad time. Bollywood actor Malaika Arora’s father Anil Mehta died in Mumbai on Wednesday morning. He jumped from the balcony of his house in Bandra. Meanwhile, Mumbai police is investigating every aspect closely. It is significant to note that Mehta’s body has been sent for post-mortem. The forensic team was also present at the spot. In this sad moment, stars of the entertainment world are reaching out to console Malaika and Amrita. Now the actor has shared an emotional post on the death of her father. Also, she has been seen requesting privacy for the family during this sad time. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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