In the times of Bollywood re-releases, another iconic blockbuster is set to hit cinemas soon. This time it’s Salman Khan-starrer Biwi No 1. On Thursday, Jackky Bhagnani shared a trailer of the film on his Instagram handle announcing the news and also disclosing the re-release date of the film. The film was originally released in 1999 and is returning to theatres after 25 years. As per Jackky’s post, Biwi No 1 will re-release in cinemas on November 29. In the times of Bollywood re-releases, another iconic blockbuster is set to hit cinemas soon. This time it’s Salman Khan-starrer Biwi No 1. On Thursday, Jackky Bhagnani shared a trailer of the film on his Instagram handle announcing the news and also disclosing the re-release date of the film. The film was originally released in 1999 and is returning to theatres after 25 years. As per Jackky’s post, Biwi No 1 will re-release in cinemas on November 29. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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