For quite some time there have been reports of rift between big Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. They were spotted separately in many functions due to which such news got more strength. However, no official information has been received about it yet. At the same time, a video was going viral in the past in which the engagement ring was seen missing from Abhishek’s finger. But now recently a video of Aishwarya Rai is going viral in which she was spotted at Jalsa with her daughter Aaradhya. For quite some time there have been reports of rift between big Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan. They were spotted separately in many functions due to which such news got more strength. However, no official information has been received about it yet. At the same time, a video was going viral in the past in which the engagement ring was seen missing from Abhishek’s finger. But now recently a video of Aishwarya Rai is going viral in which she was spotted at Jalsa with her daughter Aaradhya. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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