Akshay Kumar on Sunday treated his fans with the much-awaited trailer of his aerial actioner, Sky Force. Speaking about his recent debacles at the box office, the actor said that his 33-year-long career has been all about working hard and he aims to break his dry spell by continuing to do exactly that. Akshay, who will next be seen playing an Indian Air Force officer in the upcoming film Sky Force, said he has witnessed a slump many times in his career. Akshay Kumar on Sunday treated his fans with the much-awaited trailer of his aerial actioner, Sky Force. Speaking about his recent debacles at the box office, the actor said that his 33-year-long career has been all about working hard and he aims to break his dry spell by continuing to do exactly that. Akshay, who will next be seen playing an Indian Air Force officer in the upcoming film Sky Force, said he has witnessed a slump many times in his career. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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