After facing several box office failures, Akshay Kumar is all set to return to his most successful genre as the actor is reuniting with filmmaker Priyadarshan after a long gap of 14 years. The duo recently collaborated for an upcoming horror comedy project titled Bhooth Bangla, the announcement of which was made a few months ago. Now, the actor took to his social media handles to unveil the film’s new release date, as Bhooth Bangla has been postponed and will not be released in 2025. After facing several box office failures, Akshay Kumar is all set to return to his most successful genre as the actor is reuniting with filmmaker Priyadarshan after a long gap of 14 years. The duo recently collaborated for an upcoming horror comedy project titled Bhooth Bangla, the announcement of which was made a few months ago. Now, the actor took to his social media handles to unveil the film’s new release date, as Bhooth Bangla has been postponed and will not be released in 2025. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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