Akshay Kumar, one of the A-listers in Bollywood, is known for his good acting skills and perfect comic timing in films. Showcasing another talent to the world, the actor was spotted singing at a wedding function on the stage along with the bride and the groom. A video of the actor is also doing rounds on the internet wherein Akshay is seen singing the popular ‘Mujh Mein Tu’ song from his film, Special 26, dedicating the soulful track to the newlyweds. In the viral clip, the actor is seen wearing an all-black outfit including a black trench coat, black trousers, and black shoes. Akshay Kumar, one of the A-listers in Bollywood, is known for his good acting skills and perfect comic timing in films. Showcasing another talent to the world, the actor was spotted singing at a wedding function on the stage along with the bride and the groom. A video of the actor is also doing rounds on the internet wherein Akshay is seen singing the popular ‘Mujh Mein Tu’ song from his film, Special 26, dedicating the soulful track to the newlyweds. In the viral clip, the actor is seen wearing an all-black outfit including a black trench coat, black trousers, and black shoes. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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