Bollywood diva Alia Bhatt is all praises for Payal Kapadia after her acclaimed film, All We Imagine As Light, was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards. The Malayalam-Hindi film, which marks Kapadia’s feature directorial debut, is nominated for Best Motion Picture Non-English Language and Best Direction – Motion Picture at the upcoming awards. Alia shared a video clip of Hollywood star Mindy Kaling announcing All We Imagine as one of the nominees in the Best Direction – Motion Picture category. “History is yours! @payalkapadiafilm @allweimagineaslightfilm,” she captioned the announcement video on her Instagram Story on Tuesday. The official Instagram page of the film re-shared Alia’s post on the platform. Bollywood diva Alia Bhatt is all praises for Payal Kapadia after her acclaimed film, All We Imagine As Light, was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards. The Malayalam-Hindi film, which marks Kapadia’s feature directorial debut, is nominated for Best Motion Picture Non-English Language and Best Direction – Motion Picture at the upcoming awards. Alia shared a video clip of Hollywood star Mindy Kaling announcing All We Imagine as one of the nominees in the Best Direction – Motion Picture category. “History is yours! @payalkapadiafilm @allweimagineaslightfilm,” she captioned the announcement video on her Instagram Story on Tuesday. The official Instagram page of the film re-shared Alia’s post on the platform. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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