Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt has finally shared the first poster of her upcoming film Jigra. The movie also features The Archies actor Vedang Raina, and the actors will be seen defining the brother-0sister bond on the silver screens. In the first poster shared by Alia, Vedang can be seen standing in the forefront, whereas Alia can be seen giving back shot, holding a hammer. Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt has finally shared the first poster of her upcoming film Jigra. The movie also features The Archies actor Vedang Raina, and the actors will be seen defining the brother-0sister bond on the silver screens. In the first poster shared by Alia, Vedang can be seen standing in the forefront, whereas Alia can be seen giving back shot, holding a hammer. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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