Allu Arjun, who is all geared up for his next release Pushpa 2: The Rule, celebrated his daughter Arha’s eighth birthday. The actor treated his fans with a glimpse of his ‘cutest joy’, who turned eight on November 21, 2024. Taking to his Instagram handle, Allu Arjun shared a video of their recent beachside vacation. In the video, Arha is seen wearing a sweatshirt and pyjamas and enjoying the breeze at the beachside by waving her long hair. ”Happy Birthday to the cutest joy of my life … My lil Arha … 8 years of purest joy … your presence makes my life wayyy sweeter … lots of hugs , pokey kisses and infinite love. NANAA,” the actor wrote along with the clip. Allu Arjun, who is all geared up for his next release Pushpa 2: The Rule, celebrated his daughter Arha’s eighth birthday. The actor treated his fans with a glimpse of his ‘cutest joy’, who turned eight on November 21, 2024. Taking to his Instagram handle, Allu Arjun shared a video of their recent beachside vacation. In the video, Arha is seen wearing a sweatshirt and pyjamas and enjoying the breeze at the beachside by waving her long hair. ”Happy Birthday to the cutest joy of my life … My lil Arha … 8 years of purest joy … your presence makes my life wayyy sweeter … lots of hugs , pokey kisses and infinite love. NANAA,” the actor wrote along with the clip. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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