Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor and Panjak Tripathi in the lead roles, is currently trending high on social media, as it is one of the three releases that hit cinemas on the occasion of Independence Day 2024. The film has garnered mostly positive reviews from film critics and the audience. Many people who have watched Stree 2 in cinemas in the early shows and night shows on August 14 have put out their views and revealed information about the three cameos in the film, adding more excitement among moviegoers. Stree 2, starring Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor and Panjak Tripathi in the lead roles, is currently trending high on social media, as it is one of the three releases that hit cinemas on the occasion of Independence Day 2024. The film has garnered mostly positive reviews from film critics and the audience. Many people who have watched Stree 2 in cinemas in the early shows and night shows on August 14 have put out their views and revealed information about the three cameos in the film, adding more excitement among moviegoers. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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