Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun held a press conference for the first time yesterday after the stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. Allu responded to those who held him responsible for the woman who died in the stampede and the suffering child admitted to the hospital. On Sunday, the Pan India star urged fans not to use any kind of abusive language offline or online. He also wrote that people abusing with his image on their display picture will suffer consequences. Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun held a press conference for the first time yesterday after the stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. Allu responded to those who held him responsible for the woman who died in the stampede and the suffering child admitted to the hospital. On Sunday, the Pan India star urged fans not to use any kind of abusive language offline or online. He also wrote that people abusing with his image on their display picture will suffer consequences. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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