Anupam Kher took to his social media handles and shared a video of himself taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam at the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj. In the video shared by the veteran actor, he can be seen chanting mantras while offering prayers to God. Anupam Kher called this an ’emotional’ moment of his life adding that his life become ‘successful’ now. Anupam Kher took to his social media handles and shared a video of himself taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam at the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj. In the video shared by the veteran actor, he can be seen chanting mantras while offering prayers to God. Anupam Kher called this an ’emotional’ moment of his life adding that his life become ‘successful’ now. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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