Actor Sudhanshu Pandey, who rose to fame with his role as Vanraj Shah in the popular TV show Anupamaa, apologised to his fans for his sudden exit from the daily soap. Anupamaa is the most popular Hindi TV show ever since it premiered in 2020. The actor took to his Instagram handle and did a live stream on Wednesday evening announcing his exit from Anupamaa. ”Main pichle chaar saal se roj pahuch raha hun apke ghar ek daily soap ke jariye, ek kirdar play kar raha hu jiske liye mujhe bahut sara pyar or narazgi mili, but wo narazagi bhi ek tarike se pyar hi raha hai. Agar aap naraz na hote mere character dekh kar to mujhe lagta main sahi tarike se nibha nahi pa raha hoon,” he said during his live video. Recently, several reports claimed that Rupali Ganguly, who plays the titular role on the show and Gaurav Khanna, who plays Anuj Kapadia, are quitting the show. Actor Sudhanshu Pandey, who rose to fame with his role as Vanraj Shah in the popular TV show Anupamaa, apologised to his fans for his sudden exit from the daily soap. Anupamaa is the most popular Hindi TV show ever since it premiered in 2020. The actor took to his Instagram handle and did a live stream on Wednesday evening announcing his exit from Anupamaa. ”Main pichle chaar saal se roj pahuch raha hun apke ghar ek daily soap ke jariye, ek kirdar play kar raha hu jiske liye mujhe bahut sara pyar or narazgi mili, but wo narazagi bhi ek tarike se pyar hi raha hai. Agar aap naraz na hote mere character dekh kar to mujhe lagta main sahi tarike se nibha nahi pa raha hoon,” he said during his live video. Recently, several reports claimed that Rupali Ganguly, who plays the titular role on the show and Gaurav Khanna, who plays Anuj Kapadia, are quitting the show. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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