After the Baba Siddiqui shootout in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai police have also become alert about the security of his close family friend Bollywood actor Salman Khan. The Navi Mumbai police have made extra efforts to ensure the security of superstar Salman Khan. The actor was last spotted at the funeral of his close aide Baba Siddique. The NCP leader was shot dead on October 12, 2024. The Lawrence Bishnoi gang took responsibility of this murder. After the Baba Siddiqui shootout in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai police have also become alert about the security of his close family friend Bollywood actor Salman Khan. The Navi Mumbai police have made extra efforts to ensure the security of superstar Salman Khan. The actor was last spotted at the funeral of his close aide Baba Siddique. The NCP leader was shot dead on October 12, 2024. The Lawrence Bishnoi gang took responsibility of this murder. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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