Bollywood’s senior actor Boman Irani will mark his directorial debut with Prime Videos’ ‘The Mehta Boys’. The film also features Laila Majnu fame actor Avinash Tiwari. Now Prime Videos’ Instagram page has shared good news for the fans waiting for the release of this film. ‘The Mehta Boys’ will premiere as the Opening Film of the Chicago South Asian Film Festival 2024. The film deals with the complexes of a father-son relationship. Bollywood’s senior actor Boman Irani will mark his directorial debut with Prime Videos’ ‘The Mehta Boys’. The film also features Laila Majnu fame actor Avinash Tiwari. Now Prime Videos’ Instagram page has shared good news for the fans waiting for the release of this film. ‘The Mehta Boys’ will premiere as the Opening Film of the Chicago South Asian Film Festival 2024. The film deals with the complexes of a father-son relationship. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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