Filmmaker Boney Kapoor on Wednesday morning took fans down memory lane as he dropped a throwback picture from the film Mr India. Starring Sridevi and Anil Kapoor in the lead roles, the film is still considered one of the cult classics in Hindi cinema. Taking to his Instagram account, Boney shared a black-and-white pic that was taken just before the movie’s shoot began in 1985. In the pic, actors Sridevi and Anil Kapoor can be seen posing with Boney Kapoor and writer Javed Akhtar. Anil can be seen in the same get-up as shown in the movie, while Sridevi is seen wearing a long dress. Along with the throwback pic, Boney wrote, ”January 5th 1985. Just before first day shoot ‘Mr India’.” Filmmaker Boney Kapoor on Wednesday morning took fans down memory lane as he dropped a throwback picture from the film Mr India. Starring Sridevi and Anil Kapoor in the lead roles, the film is still considered one of the cult classics in Hindi cinema. Taking to his Instagram account, Boney shared a black-and-white pic that was taken just before the movie’s shoot began in 1985. In the pic, actors Sridevi and Anil Kapoor can be seen posing with Boney Kapoor and writer Javed Akhtar. Anil can be seen in the same get-up as shown in the movie, while Sridevi is seen wearing a long dress. Along with the throwback pic, Boney wrote, ”January 5th 1985. Just before first day shoot ‘Mr India’.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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