New Delhi: A patient passed away after getting diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome in Pune, Maharashtra. The first death from GBS was reported in Solapur district. According to media reports, the deceased was a chartered accountant who had come to Pune from Solapur district a few days ago. During this time, his health started to deteriorate. He was admitted to a private hospital in Solapur. So far, there are 101 active cases of GBS in Maharashtra; 16 patients are in critical condition and are on a ventilator. Among these, 81 patients are from Pune, 14 from Pipanri Chinchwad, and 6 from other areas. The death of a man from Guillain-Barré syndrome has worried the entire country including Pune and Maharashtra.
High-risk groups for GBS
Doctors say that the high-risk groups for GBS include the elderly, children, and physically weak individuals. Men are more likely to succumb to GBS than women.
What did the doctor say?
Dr Raj Kumar from the Neurology Department at GTB Hospital in Delhi said that Guillain Barre syndrome is a rare and sudden disease. This disease damages the immune system and raises the risk of numbness, muscle weakness, and paralysis, even death in some cases. According to Dr. Raj Kumar, bacterial and viral infections cause GBS due to which the immune system (immune system) of patients starts to weaken and it attacks the nervous system.
What are the symptoms of GBS?
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare autoimmune disease that usually occurs after a gastrointestinal infection caused by Campylobacter. This can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, pneumonia, and many other types of problems. In this, the patient’s body parts suddenly start getting numb and symptoms like severe weakness appear in the limbs. In this rare disease, paralysis in the legs can also affect the respiratory nerves.
Patients have to be admitted on a ventilator
Many patients go on ventilators. The National Institute of Virology, which tests the sample of this disease, has found Norovirus and Campylobacter jejuni bacteria in 21 GBS samples. In this, the patient has symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain, cramping, and disturbance. Patients who are currently suffering from GBS had these symptoms earlier.
Children, the elderly and physically weak people are more prone to dying because of GBS. Health News Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare