Rupali Ganguly, who plays the character of ‘Anupama’ in Rajan Shahi’s famous daily soap ‘Anupamaa’, remains in the headlines. Recently, several actors left the Star Plus show, for which users mostly blamed Rupali Ganguly on social media. In a recent interview, another ‘Anupamaa’ actor Rushad Rana opened up about whether Rupali Ganguly is really the reason for the exit of the stars. Let’s know what the actor has said. Rupali Ganguly, who plays the character of ‘Anupama’ in Rajan Shahi’s famous daily soap ‘Anupamaa’, remains in the headlines. Recently, several actors left the Star Plus show, for which users mostly blamed Rupali Ganguly on social media. In a recent interview, another ‘Anupamaa’ actor Rushad Rana opened up about whether Rupali Ganguly is really the reason for the exit of the stars. Let’s know what the actor has said. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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