Chronic kidney disease in India: Should you be worried for your child?

Chronic kidney disease in India: Should you be worried for your child? While often overlooked, CKD in children is a serious issue. The exact prevalence in India is still being determined due to limited data and varying diagnostic practices across the country. However, emerging studies indicate a higher incidence than previously thought, particularly in regions with high rates of poverty and malnutrition.

National Cancer Awareness Month: Here’s how air pollution affects cancer risk

National Cancer Awareness Month: Here’s how air pollution affects cancer risk National Cancer Awareness Month: Long-term exposure to fine particle air pollution can cause genotoxicity and mutagenesis. It may raise the risk of lung cancer by causing inflammation, reactive oxygen species, and oxidative DNA damage. As a result, chronic air pollution, particularly in persons with a high hereditary risk, may increase the incidence of lung cancer.

Pancreatic cancer diagnosis: Why early detection is a must for this painful tumour

Pancreatic cancer diagnosis: Why early detection is a must for this painful tumour Pancreatic cancer is difficult to identify in its early stages. There is currently no standard diagnostic instrument or early detection procedure for pancreatic cancer in the general population. However, imaging and blood tests may be able to detect pancreatic cancer in its early stages in patients who are at a higher risk of developing the disease.