South Indian actor Rashmika Mandanna came from Hyderabad in a wheelchair to Mumbai to attend the trailer launch of the film Chhaava. Her video of limping and hopping at the event is also going viral on social media. During this, her co-actor Vicky Kaushal was seen providing support to the Animal actor. However, social media users were not very pleased with Rashmika. Netizens called her out for not being graceful at the event as she’s playing the larger-than-life role of Maharani Yesubai Bhosle in Chhaava. South Indian actor Rashmika Mandanna came from Hyderabad in a wheelchair to Mumbai to attend the trailer launch of the film Chhaava. Her video of limping and hopping at the event is also going viral on social media. During this, her co-actor Vicky Kaushal was seen providing support to the Animal actor. However, social media users were not very pleased with Rashmika. Netizens called her out for not being graceful at the event as she’s playing the larger-than-life role of Maharani Yesubai Bhosle in Chhaava. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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