Jani Master, who was arrested in the sexual assault case, has been granted bail by the Telangana High Court. Jani Master, a well-known and National Award-winning choreographer, was accused of sexual assault by a woman who worked with him. He was arrested last month by the Cyberabad Police after a tip was received and three different teams were sent to Nellore, Goa and Bengaluru. He was finally arrested in Bengaluru. Jani Master, who was arrested in the sexual assault case, has been granted bail by the Telangana High Court. Jani Master, a well-known and National Award-winning choreographer, was accused of sexual assault by a woman who worked with him. He was arrested last month by the Cyberabad Police after a tip was received and three different teams were sent to Nellore, Goa and Bengaluru. He was finally arrested in Bengaluru. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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