On the 27th anniversary of Border, actor Sunny Deol has confirmed the second edition in the franchise through a announcement video. Taking to his Instagram handle, Sunny shared a video officially announcing his return in Border 2 and called it ‘India’s biggest war film’.”Ek fauji apne 27 saal purane waade ko pura karne, aa raha hai phirse. India’s biggest war film, #Border2,” he wrote in the caption of the post. The film will be produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta. The upcoming war film will be directed by Anurag Singh. On the 27th anniversary of Border, actor Sunny Deol has confirmed the second edition in the franchise through a announcement video. Taking to his Instagram handle, Sunny shared a video officially announcing his return in Border 2 and called it ‘India’s biggest war film’.”Ek fauji apne 27 saal purane waade ko pura karne, aa raha hai phirse. India’s biggest war film, #Border2,” he wrote in the caption of the post. The film will be produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta. The upcoming war film will be directed by Anurag Singh. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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