New Delhi: Sugary drinks are nothing short of a health crisis and these are associated with dental problems, tooth decay, weight gain, diabetes, and other chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. And now, as per new research, excessive intake of these drinks has been associated with negative health effects in pregnant women and unborn babies as well. In a study published in Nutrients Journal, experts evaluated the effects of excessive sugary beverage intake among pregnant women and the possible health effects that a mother or child might have to deal with.
How do sugary drinks spike disease risk in pregnant women and foetus?
Researchers conducted surveys from April and June 2022 till 2023 evaluating 4824 pregnant women from 16 districts in Shanghai. Furthermore, survey questionnaires were filled and in-person interviews were conducted. Experts recorded their beverage intake for every drink consumed in the previous month. These drinks were classified into carbonated drinks – soda or fizzy drinks – fruit juices, juice beverages, and sugar-sweetened dairy drinks.
Sugary drinks were consumed by three-fourths of the women and among these, pure juices, milk-based tea, and sugar dairy drinks were most popular. Experts obtained information about the babies within one year of the diet survey. Pregnant women who consumed these beverages in large quantities were more likely to suffer from gestational diabetes. In this case, the baby can grow larger than normal and it can cause delivery complications such as stillbirth, premature birth, or jaundice.
It was also found that people who consumed these drinks, in comparison to those who didn’t, were more prone to gestational diabetes, and by 38%. They were also more likely to develop gestational hypertension which can obstruct blood flow to the foetus and may result in injuries in organs and cause slow growth. It was found that consuming sugary drinks four times a week can spike diabetes risk by 154% and hypertension risk by 169%.
Drinking these beverages four times a week was found to significantly raise the risk of macrosomia, and when a newborn is too large for the gestational age, it becomes imperative to deliver ASAP via c-section. Drinking these beverages in excess can spike gestational diabetes and hypertension risk.
Researchers conducted surveys from April and June 2022 till 2023 evaluating 4824 pregnant women from 16 districts in Shanghai. Furthermore, survey questionnaires were filled and in-person interviews were conducted. Experts recorded their beverage intake for every drink consumed in the previous month. Health News Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare