Tollywood actor Adivi Sesh on his 40th birthday, surprised his fans by sharing the poster of his upcoming film Dacoit. The love story directed by Shaniel Dev, will now feature Mrunal Thakur instead of Shruti Haasan. The makers have released two posters, in the first one, Adivi Sesh is seen in a serious mood, while Mrunal looks at him sadly. In the second poster, the Sita Ramam actress can be seen in a fierce look with a gun in her hand. Both the posters of Dacoit: A Love Story have been received well by fans. Tollywood actor Adivi Sesh on his 40th birthday, surprised his fans by sharing the poster of his upcoming film Dacoit. The love story directed by Shaniel Dev, will now feature Mrunal Thakur instead of Shruti Haasan. The makers have released two posters, in the first one, Adivi Sesh is seen in a serious mood, while Mrunal looks at him sadly. In the second poster, the Sita Ramam actress can be seen in a fierce look with a gun in her hand. Both the posters of Dacoit: A Love Story have been received well by fans. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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